Many people all over the world like the drink Baileys. Although Baileys can be kept in a variety of ways, does baileys need to be refrigerated? Baileys doesn’t need to be refrigerated since a bottle of Baileys contains 17% alcohol. To avoid the cream curdling over time, store it in a cool, dark location. You have the option of chilling your beverage.
When used to make cocktails or to top off a cup of coffee, Baileys Irish Cream is a delectable liqueur with a cocoa flavor.
But it can be difficult to store a bottle of Baileys. Keep reading and learn more about Bailey’s storage tips.
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What is Baileys?
Cream, whiskey, and additional flavors are used to create the Irish cream liqueur Baileys.
The exact recipe is a closely guarded secret. Baileys was first introduced in 1974 and has become one of the most popular liqueurs in the world.
You can enjoy it on its own or used in various cocktails. Baileys is also a popular ingredient in baking and desserts.
Whether you drink it straight up or as part of a decadent dessert, Baileys is sure to please.
Does Baileys Need to Be Refrigerated?
Baileys Irish Cream is 17% alcohol, so it does not require refrigeration before or after the bottle is opened. The drink’s ability to be preserved is thanks to its alcohol content.
Although Baileys Irish Cream contains dairy and sugar, it deteriorates more quickly than hard liquors. The cream can curdle if not stored properly.
You might be unsure of how to store Baileys Irish Cream because it includes Irish cream. However, it’s also vital to keep in mind that the beverage also contains whiskey, which has preservative properties.

Baileys Irish Cream should be kept in cool, dry areas or at room temperature. Do not keep the drink under direct heat or sunlight.
Always remember to shut the bottle tight before storing it in the fridge or the pantry.
If you like your Baileys Irish cream a little chilled, you can keep it refrigerated.
Always remember to refrain from freezing your bottle of Baileys Irish Cream. Freezing the drink can lead to changes in the texture of the drink.
The cream in Baileys Irish Cream will freeze to a solid state. So, after thawing, you may find that the fats in the cream have separated, creating an off-putting chunky mixture.
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Does Baileys Need to Be Refrigerated After Opening?
After the bottle is opened, Baileys Irish Cream can be chilled, but it’s not required. Your choice is entirely up to you!
If you like your alcohol a little chilled, you can refrigerate your bottle for some time or even overnight before pouring yourself a good drink.
It’s not a bad idea to put your Bailey’s Irish Cream in the fridge! In fact, you can put your beverage in the fridge either before or after the bottle is opened.
However, a note of caution: always remember to refrain from freezing Baileys Irish Cream. The lovely drink’s consistency can alter when frozen.
The texture of the cream may change as a result of the subsequent freezing and thawing, giving you a beverage you might not like.
So, in a nutshell, you can definitely refrigerate your Baileys Irish Cream after it is opened. However, unless the refrigerator is the only place to store the beverage, tightly closed and out of the sun and heat, refrigeration is not required.
The drink won’t go bad if you keep it at room temperature!
Can I Freeze Baileys Irish Cream?
If you want to enjoy your Baileys Irish Cream cold, you can chill the bottle, but freezing it is not advised. Freezing it can drastically decrease the quality of your favorite drink.
The consistency of the beverage may not be as good after being frozen and defrosted.
Freezing Baileys Irish Cream can cause the cream to turn into solid ice, which will be hard to get out of the bottle! If you wait for the cream to melt, it can change its texture during the thawing process.
How to Store Baileys
Making sure the bottle is completely sealed before storing the Irish cream liqueur is a great idea. Once finished, keep the items in a cool, dark area, like the pantry. You can store the Baileys outside if it hasn’t been opened.
If you do decide to keep your Baileys outside, make sure it is still kept in a cool, dark place. It is best to keep your bottle of Baileys out of direct sunlight and other hot areas. The quality of the liqueur could be significantly impacted by any temperature above 77°F, thus the reason for this. Keeping the storage temperature below 77°F is crucial for this reason.
How to Tell If Your Baileys Has Gone Bad
The Baileys liquor could taint at any time. Irish cream liqueur contains milk, which can curdle and make you sick if you drink it. It is best to avoid the illness, even though it is only temporary.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to determine whether your Baileys has spoiled.
First, you should perform the sniff test. We do not advise drinking if the Baileys smells slightly like sour milk or custard or if it has changed in flavor.
Smooth and creamy texture are characteristics of good Baileys. However, stale Baileys will congeal and become lumpy and thick.
This is the last test you can perform to ensure the safety of your Baileys bottle. If the smell and texture tests have gone successfully, then you can check the color. If the Baileys has gone bad, then the whisky and the cream will start to separate, which makes it look dark.
You are free to sample your Baileys if it passes these tests. If it doesn’t taste how it is supposed to but is drinkable, then you can go ahead and keep it – but you should probably drink it soon. If the taste is unpleasant, it is best to dispose of the liqueur.
Conclusion: Does Baileys Need to Be Refrigerated?
According to Baileys, their Irish cream liqueur doesn’t need to be refrigerated.
This is so that Baileys, even though it contains dairy products that ordinarily need to be refrigerated, also functions as a natural preservative for the product.
The best before date on Baileys lasts for up to two years, but it is typically safe to consume after that. However, you should always test it, and dispose of it if it looks, smells, or tastes unpleasant.
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Does Almond Baileys Need to Be Refrigerated?
Manufacturers of cream liqueurs point to the effective preservative qualities of alcohol as the reason that refrigeration is not required.
How Long Can You Keep Baileys Once Open?
In general, Baileys has a two-year shelf life from the time of bottling. However, it is recommended that you finish it within 6 months after opening.
What Happens If You Don’t Refrigerate Baileys After Opening?
Despite not requiring refrigeration, Baileys will eventually expire. Simply Called Food suggests inspecting it for changes in texture and smell to determine whether it’s unsafe to drink.