Striped, stinging intruders frequently invade and commandeer outdoor summer parties. Few things are more irritating or have the power to sour an otherwise enjoyable party. It just so happens that bees will occasionally invite themselves to these outdoor celebrations. When they fly into our personal space or land on our food and beverages, it can be uncomfortable for us.
Here are some simple suggestions on how to keep bees away from your summer BBQ such as keeping food separate and wearing suitable clothes so you can continue to enjoy outdoor gatherings this warm season. Continue reading to find more tips.
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Table of Contents
Fun Facts About Bee
Without bees, life as we currently know it and enjoy it would not be possible. Bees are an essential component of the food chain.
- Bees provide us with honey, propolis, and wax for a variety of uses, from industrial to cosmetic, in addition to their services as pollinators for countless food crops.
- They represent the lower half of the ancient Egyptian empire and are a representation of industry (or “busy bees”). one of the names for The title of Pharaoh was “He of Sedge and Bee.”
- Even the mythology of ancient Greece and the works of Virgil, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and Marx contain references to bees.
Tips For Keeping Bees Away From Food
1. Make A Mixture
Slice a banana peel into thin strips, then put the strips inside a 2-liter bottle that is empty. One cup of sugar and one cup of vinegar should be combined, stirred, and then added to the bottle. Fill the bottle to 2 inches below the neck with water. Hang it from a nearby tree branch by wrapping a piece of string around the neck.
2. Mothballs
This is yet another bee repellent that works well. Take a few pairs of pantyhose and cut off the feet. Stuff the feet with mothballs. Hang the pantyhose from a string and tie them off around your picnic area. Bees and other insects will be put off by the strong smell.
3. Marigolds
Put a pot of marigolds in the middle of the table. They make a beautiful centerpiece and naturally ward off insects like bees and mosquitoes. The smell repels bees and other insects.
4. Keep Food Separate
Place the food table away from where everyone will be gathered.
5. Keep Food Covered And Sealed
Keep as much of your food as you can in sealed containers. To stop the bees from climbing into the food, cover your drink and food containers with lids, a plate, foil, or plastic wrap. The bees may not detect you as quickly if you can mask some of the odors from your meal.
6. Cloves
On the food table, scatter four to five cloves. Bees should avoid you while you are eating because they detest the smell.
7. Mint Leaves
Place mint leaves all around your dining area. Bees won’t notice all the delicious food they are missing out on because of this plant, which will help to mask the sweet smell of your food.
8. Avoid Bright Colors
Bees are drawn to objects with vivid colors and enticing aromas—basically, anything that reminds them of flowers. For your tablecloth or picnic blanket, stay away from vivid hues and floral prints. Make sure to choose only white or another color that isn’t floral when choosing the plates and napkins.

9. Keep Trash Away And Sealed
Bins for food and trash should always be kept tightly covered when not in use. The enticing smells that might entice these bothersome insects will be lessened as a result.
10. Dryer Sheet
Place a freshly folded dryer sheet in the pocket of your current outfit. Include some clean sheets in your purse or beach bag if you are using one.
These suggestions will show you how to keep bees from ruining your outdoor gatherings this summer. If hornets, wasps, or bees frequently invade your yard, there may be a bigger issue at hand, such as a nearby wasp or bee nest. If you notice a lot of bees around your house, it’s important to call pest control experts because they might sting you, your loved ones, or even your pets. At Any Pest, we have skilled experts who can recognize various bee species and safely remove nests from inside and outside your home. If you or a member of your family has a bee allergy, call one of our pest control experts right away for assistance. For a free estimate on pest control services, get in touch with us right away!
11. Avoid Putting On Bee Magnets.
Avoid using body sprays, lotions, or sunscreen with floral prints or sweet-smelling ingredients. Unfortunately, Fredericks is unaware of any herbal concoction or insect repellent that can keep bees away. However, he does advise wearing insect repellent that contains an EPA-registered active ingredient, such as DEET or Picaridin, to keep mosquitoes and ticks away.)
Making Your Location A Repellent
We can discuss various techniques to keep those bees away from your picnic area now that you’ve decided on a location.
- Keep a few cucumbers close by. As they keep you cool and complement salads, cucumbers are ideal for the summer. Since bees dislike the acidity of the cucumber peel, this vegetable is also effective at repelling them. Bees and other insects won’t come near your food if you scatter the peels around the area.
- Make a pretend hive. Put fake beehives all around your dining area as an alternative. Since bees are naturally territorial, they will typically avoid what they perceive to be rival hives in order to prevent being attacked. Bees can be kept away from your location by blowing up brown paper bags and hanging them around.
- Sprinkle some cloves. The black and yellow insects are also successfully repelled by cloves. Placing a few cloves around your eating area can be very beneficial because bees detest the warm, spicy scent of cloves.
- Use fabric softener. Don’t you just adore the scent of fabric softener? Bees detest it and will avoid it like the plague. Place a dryer sheet in your pocket, bag, around the table, or under any containers holding food. If you want even more defense, you can even rub one on your skin.
Additional Factors To Consider
Bees are drawn to flowers, so it’s a good idea to refrain from using vibrant and floral prints on plates, napkins, and tablecloths. There are even some colors that can inadvertently arouse bees and wasps, according to bee and wasp exterminators. They will be more agitated and defensive towards you because dark colors like red and black are interpreted as aggressive predators. The best option would be to stick with white or light colors. If bees decide not to visit you, it might also be because of how you smell. Bees can be deterred by staying away from floral-scented perfumes.
Follow this advice from bee and wasp removal experts like The Bee Man whenever you intend to eat outside. With fewer obtrusive flying visitors around, these will improve your outdoor experience.
The Bottom Line
The summer picnic is typically an enjoyable day spent relaxing on the grass, taking in the sunshine, enjoying a well-prepared meal, and spending time with friends and family.
Enjoy your picnics and outdoor activities this summer, but keep the bees at a safe distance due to their significance and current tenuous hold on the ecosystem. Immediately contact a specialist if you ever come across a beehive on or close to your property.