Two of the most crucial kitchen appliances for maintaining food safety are refrigerators and freezers. When the power goes out, there is flooding, or the appliance breaks, causing food to become contaminated and spoil, we are immediately reminded of their significance.
It may be very challenging to remove the spoiled food odors if food has already been allowed to spoil in a refrigerator or freezer.
Utilize our information to discover how to eliminate odors from units or how to properly dispose of a damaged unit.
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Tips To Get Rid Of Rotten Meat Smell
Tip 1: I clean a fridge or freezer that has rotten smells with either bleach or baking soda or vinegar, but also I remove the drip pan at the bottom of the fridge/freezer either in the back or front of the bottom as if the blood from the meat dripped down into it the smell will stay and only get worse
I thoroughly cleaned out a fridge that had raw meat that had gone bad inside of it after cleaning it, but the smell persisted until I removed the drip pan. I always have an unopened box of baking soda in the freezer and refrigerator.
Tip 2: Consider putting a container of vinegar in the freezer. Keep the container wide open.

How To Remove Spoiled Food Odor?
It might be challenging to get rid of food odors that have persisted after food has spoiled in a refrigerator or freezer. The following steps might be helpful, but they might need to be repeated numerous times.
The appliance should first be cleaned with water and a mild household cleaning solution. Rinse inside surfaces with a solution of chlorine bleach (1 tablespoon per gallon of water). For a day or two, leave the door ajar while the appliance is unplugged so that it can air out. Disinfectant should be sprayed into any openings, around hinges, and near locks. One of the following techniques should work if the smell persists:
- On the shelves of the refrigerator or freezer, arrange trays of baking soda, clean kitty litter, or activated charcoal. Run the appliance without using it for two or three days. Aquarium and terrarium supply shops sell activated charcoal.
- Close the door on cookie sheets with freshly ground coffee and place them in the freezer or refrigerator. Once more, run the appliance unattended for two or three days. After washing and rinsing, any residual coffee smell should vanish.
- The crumbled newspaper should cover every shelf in a refrigerator or freezer. Alternatively, spritz the newspaper with water after setting a cup of water on the upper shelf. For about five or six days, let the freezer or refrigerator run. This method takes a lot of time, but it effectively gets rid of strong smells.
- For the purpose of eliminating freezer and refrigerator odors, numerous commercial products are available. Hardware stores, grocery stores, discount stores, and specialty shops all sell these goods.
If odors persist, try any or all of the following:
- Apply vinegar and water in equal amounts to the interior of the appliance. Mildew is destroyed by the acid in vinegar.
- For a few days, leave the door ajar and let the room air out.
- Roll up a newspaper and put it in the freezer and refrigerator. Shut the door and depart for a few days. The paper should be taken out and cleaned with vinegar and water.
- In the bottom of the refrigerator and freezer, scatter baking soda or fresh coffee grounds randomly.
- In the freezer and refrigerator, place a cotton swab that has been dipped in vanilla. For 24 hours, close the door. Check for odors.
- Invest in a commercial product from a hardware or home goods store. As directed by the manufacturer.
If Odors Still Cannot Be Removed
It might be necessary to discard the refrigerator or freezer if odors cannot be eliminated. If it’s necessary to get rid of the fridge or freezer, do it safely:
- “Old freezers or refrigerators should be “childproofed” to prevent kids from getting stuck inside. Remove the door for the safest method.
- If the door won’t budge, chain and padlock it permanently and close it tightly. Alternatively, remove or disable the latch entirely so that the door won’t lock when closed.
In many places, throwing away old freezers or refrigerators without first removing the door is against the law.
Depending on where you live, your appliance may be picked up by your solid waste provider, a recycler, a retailer (if you purchase a new unit), or a program supported by local or regional utilities.
Take Away
It’s possible that the odor has permeated the insulation if the unit has been off for a few days. If the odor has made it through the insulation, extensive work will be required to remove it. To blow air into this area of the machine, an air compressor may be required.
It’s possible that meat or fish drippings seeped into the insulation if the aforementioned solutions fail to adequately address odor issues. I hope this information is helpful to you. Start right away; a spotless freezer and refrigerator are waiting for you.
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